Haven't been blogging much, just a peak here and there, to see what all my blogging buddies are up to. I've been struggling with life issues of late, parent getting older and needing more of my time, looking for a permanent position in the state agency where I have been working on a "limited term", and some chronic hip/back pain issues. My Mom and the pain issues are ongoing but I was lucky enough to land a permanent position. So I am officially permanently employed!! I no longer have to spent every other free minute revising my resume to fit job descriptions or writing cover letters or working on STAR scenarios to describe my work experience/results in interviews. Thank goodness!!! I was so sick of thinking about all of that!
But through it all, I did find some time to enjoy some stitching (and designing) along the way. Here's a rundown of what I have been working on over the last few months:
First up is Quaker Sampler designed by one of my all-time favorite designers, Sandy Orton. Love her attention to detail! (The sampler is one of the featured designs in Donner Kooler's Encyclopedia of Needlework, published in 2000.) I stitched it on 36 ct. LL Lt Examplar with a combination of Crescent Colors Cupid and Threadworx Bleeding Hearts. I started it last summer on impulse with Cupid knowing I would need to order more. Of course, when the newly ordered floss arrived, it was a different dye lot and too brownish. So I put the sampler aside and began a six-month long search that would span several overdyed floss brands and multiple shades of red until I found just the right mixture. In the end, it turned out the way I envisioned. (The sampler is a bit brighter in person.)

Next is Liberty House designed by Ewe & Eye & Friends. (Sorry for the wrinkles, but it is too hot to even think about getting the iron out.) Just had to dig this design out of my stash after seeing Faye's version on her Carolina Stitcher blog. I worked on this while camping a couple of weeks ago. I'm stitching it on Ice Blue 32 ct linen using 1 strand of the recommended fibers. I tried stitching with 2 strands but thought it looked to heavy so frogged out the initial stitching and started over. Unfortunately, the little froggers didn't know enough to go away, so I have had to frog and restitch several areas. And to top it off, I discovered the little amphibean varmits added a horizonal stitch. Arghhh!!! Decided to leave it and finagle the motifs to compensate for my lack of counting ability. (Those of you that know this design, may notice that I took the liberty of replacing the year with the word "Liberty.")
Next is Liberty House designed by Ewe & Eye & Friends. (Sorry for the wrinkles, but it is too hot to even think about getting the iron out.) Just had to dig this design out of my stash after seeing Faye's version on her Carolina Stitcher blog. I worked on this while camping a couple of weeks ago. I'm stitching it on Ice Blue 32 ct linen using 1 strand of the recommended fibers. I tried stitching with 2 strands but thought it looked to heavy so frogged out the initial stitching and started over. Unfortunately, the little froggers didn't know enough to go away, so I have had to frog and restitch several areas. And to top it off, I discovered the little amphibean varmits added a horizonal stitch. Arghhh!!! Decided to leave it and finagle the motifs to compensate for my lack of counting ability. (Those of you that know this design, may notice that I took the liberty of replacing the year with the word "Liberty.")
When we travel, if I'm not driving, I like to have a project to work on. I chose The Prairie Schooler's Prairie Birds to work on. I'm using a brown 28 ct. natural linen from my remnant stash and the recommended DMC floss. I don't usually stitch on 28 ct. but I needed something that I could actually see while riding down the road. Some of these Michigan roads are definitely not "stitcher friendly"! I plan to stitch a few of the designs that depict the birds I see in my backyard and make them into ornaments. My DH found some birch branches, as pictured on the front of the pattern, to use in displaying them. He's a sweetie!
Speaking of stitching while riding or camping, this is the container that I use to collect my orts. It was formerly a Q-tip container. I can slide it closed so other debris can't get in (like bugs, which I do not like). I use this one for traveling or stitching outside. My main ort jar, which is a jelly jar stays by my stitching chair in the living room.
Have you experienced chenilley goodness yet? I ordered a selection of chenille trims from the Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe. Lovely colors! I can't wait to use them! (And get more!)
In my last post several months ago, I showed a picture of my progress on Leaping Cat, a sampler by La-D-Da. I did finish her up and here she is in all her leaping glory. She is stitched on a Hand Dyed Fibers 36 ct. linen using 1 strand of the recommended over-dyed floss.
My next project will be an Adam & Eve sampler that I've designed. I'm floss tossing to settle on the main colors, which is always a tough decision for me.
Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world today. Stay cool, if you can, and enjoy the day!